This Thing looks at ways we can connect with our community via apps! I think this Thing is super important, for a number of reasons. First, I tend to (perhaps optimistically) think of libraries as a center of community life, and as a part of the a connection to all the other goings-on in the community. Keeping up-to-date with community news and events is a key part of that, and apps such as the ones I'm about to review can be key in that. Secondly, a library is often a first stop after new people or families have settled into town, and I think these would be great resources to add to the library's newcomer's kit (be it formal or informal).
For this app I downloaded St. Paul Connect, Going Out, and Explore Minnesota (all available for Apple and Android).
St Paul Connect allows users to user the app with or without creating an account. The apps main focus is not on events so much as on giving residents/visitors an opportunity to connect with the city of St. Paul. For example-if you spot something that seems wrong/out of place/broken in the city (examples included abandoned vehicles, noise complaints, parks and trails, graffiti, tree issues and much more!), the app allows you to snap a picture of it, add a description, it automatically adds a location based on the GPS in your device, then your issue is submitted and forwarded on to the proper personnel! You can also see a map of reported issues in your area (again, based on GPS)! Near one of the libraries I work at I spotted reports of potholes, a broken traffic light, parking violations and excessively tall grass. The feature allows you to see when something was reported, and you can even see issues that were reported and resolved. If you live in St. Paul, you can register to be shown in the "Neighbors" feature. I don't live in St. Paul, but think this app is GENIUS. I didn't actually submit a report myself, but the process seems super easy and I like that you can check the map to see if someone else has already reported the issue, and how recently. More cities should have apps like these!
Going Out, made by the StarTribune, will ask for your current location when you open up the app. Then, you'll see a list of 10 options, including Art & Museums, Stage & Comedy, Movies, and more. Click on a category and you'll see a listing of events that fit in that category that can then be filtered by near your current location, a specific zip code, date, venue, or searched by keyword. When applicable, there are direct links to purchase tickets, which is really nice! Overall its a good, very easy to use app that will certainly come in handy, but it has a few setbacks. For example, ongoing events (a Beatles exhibit, for example), will be listed repeatedly for each date they run, rather than just once with a date range (example: Monday-Sunday, June 1-30). A single listing and date range would do a lot to clean the app up visually and improve user experience. But overall, I like the wide range of events gathered on this app and will definitely keep it in mind!
Explore Minnesota's app is targeted at having active users-the logo even contains the word "Active," so the information it provides is all about getting active in the great state of Minnesota! The app itself is simple and requires no login. When you open it there are two options-Experiences or My List. Clicking into Experiences brings up a menu of options including golfing, hiking, paddling, runs and walks, and more. In theory, you click into any of the categories and, using your GPS, the app will find listings of events near you. I LOVE the idea of this app. About a year ago I lost a significant amount of weight and have become much more active. I love running, walking, and hiking and just tried kayaking for the first time last week. This app would be perfect for me as it could help me discover new places and events to help me stay active. The bad news? Whenever I opened the app, I got an error message saying Google has disabled the Maps feature on the app and if you were the app owner, you could visit a website for more information. That disabled feature seemed to prevent me from seeing listings of events-I would only ever see a "Loading listings..." message. But, I'm so in love with the idea of this app that I contacted Explore MN (to make sure they're aware of the issue) and I'll keep checking back to see if it gets fixed sometime soon!
Next time I'll be posting about a big one-Thing 18-Education! Until then, cheers!
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