This Thing is actually very appropriate and well-timed with goings-on in my library. One of the libraries I work in recently held an infographics contest. While I wasn't able to participate (it was only for students), it did spark an interest and, at the time, it hadn't occurred to me that there may be a tool I could use to create and view infographics on my phone!
I originally intended to download two apps for this Thing-info.Graphics (Apple only) and Infographics Hub (Apple and Android). I shortly realized that Infographics Hub, which I couldn't find in my app store, was only available for the iPad. I then tried to download Visualize (Free), but I couldn't find that one in my app store either (under either name)! When I tried to find it on Apple's website, I got no results, so I'm thinking that perhaps that app is no longer available at all, at least not for Apple.
In any case, I was able to get a hold of info.Graphics, and it is optimized to function with iPhone 5, which is perfect for me! Upon first opening the app there was no tutorial, no login, no how-to, just straight to a feed of infographics (recent? popular? I'm not sure, it wasn't specified). Just click on one to expand it (usually what you see in the feed is just a small portion of the infographic). You can browse those, or look at graphics that have been categorized (business life, education, food and beverages, and movies are a few of the eight main categories) if you have certain interests or information needs. I noticed the app, though a great idea, was also sort of glitchy in practice. Several times when I opened the side menu to view categories it froze, and had to be closed and re-opened. Another feature that would greatly improve the app is some sort of search system, perhaps by keyword or hashtag (#library would have been my first search, but was, sadly, not an option!). But, this app serves its purpose by putting tons of infographics right at your fingertips! I wish I had known about this app while we were running the contest-I had several people ask what an infographic even was, so it would have been great to whip this out and show, rather than just explain. It also could have served as inspiration for students considering entering the contest.
There was one lingering thought regarding info.Graphics...They provide all sorts of infographics, and invite users to share them via social media, but where do they come from? I wasn't able to find an "About" section or anything of the like to explain that....Hmmmm.....[tries to ignore copyright and related concerns....]
Overall (and I can't say I blame them!) there doesn't seem to be much you can do from a phone in terms of creating infographics. Its just not practical. Even viewing them can be a bit of a stretch (lots of zooming to view all the details). But-chalk up another reason for me to upgrade to an iPad! Many more creation and viewing options seem to be possible at the tablet size. Anyway, join me soon for another post-next time on Audio!
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