Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thing 12-Books, Books and MORE BOOKS!

Whew-its been a while but I'm back!  Feeling refreshed after a long weekend and ready to finally type up my next blog post  :)  This time we tackle the arguable "meat and potatoes" of librarianship-books!

When I got my first iPhone about five years ago one of the first apps I downloaded was Free Books (available for Apple and Android).  However, I didn't use it much.  It provides access to thousands of eBooks, mainly public domain titles, but I quickly found that I just don't like reading eBooks on my iPhone screen-its just too little!  So, after a few attempts, I eventually just deleted the app.  In the future, if I get an iPad, I would almost certainly download it again, as it was an easy to use app and who doesn't love free books!

On a related note, for this Thing I also downloaded Audiobooks (Apple and Android).  Audiobooks is pretty much the audio version of Free Books-Thousands of (mostly) public domain books in audio version!  The app itself is great-books are listed by title, author, genre, popularity, even narrator (which I really like-I'm kind of picky about my narrators and when I find a good narrator I want to listen to everything they've done!  This saves me a lot of steps of looking them up online, finding the titles they've recorded, then searching through the app for those titles).  The app remembers where you are in a book and automatically resumes when you close and re-open the app.  The main downfall is that (at least for the free version) you cannot download audiobooks-you can only stream them!  This stinks for a few reasons.  I have about a 30 mile commute to work-PERFECT for audiobooks, but not if I've got to stream them (I have very little data on my phone plan, since I typically have wifi access, and those overages are STEEP!).  So unless I'm at home, its not very practical.  Also, even if I am at home,  I get nervous.  I was out doing yard work and listening to some Dickens and kept checking my phone to make sure I was still in wifi range!  But, I'll definitely keep the app as it did seem to have (based on the handful of titles I tried) good quality recordings, and sometimes I just feel like being read to rather than reading! 

I'm not sure I'd really recommend either of these apps to patrons, due to their limitations.  (Also, I still get a lot of patrons that don't have at home wireless internet, so streaming is more or less out).  I suppose if they were tech savvy and particularly interested in something other than our own eBook/eAudiobook collections, I might mention these apps.  I would certainly promote our collections before promoting either of the apps I used here, but they might be a good second option for someone looking for more. 

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